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Our Research

The National Science Foundation (NSF) grant that produced the DiALoG Tool and all accompanying products is titled Diagnosing the Argumentation Levels of Groups (DiALoG): A Digital Formative Assessment Tool to Support Oral Argumentation in Middle School Science Classrooms (Award Number: 1621441). 

Our research addressed two specific research questions: (1) How can DiALoG be refined to provide a formative assessment tool for oral argumentation that is reliable, practical, and useful in middle school classrooms?; and (2) How does the use of DiALoG affect teacher formative assessment practices around evidence-based argumentation, when implementing science units designed to support oral argumentation?

A brief description of our research, year-by-year, follows:

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Our Team

Eric Greenwald

Eric Greenwald

Bryan Henderson

Bryan Henderson

David Pearson

David Pearson

Megan Goss

Megan Goss

Christina Morales

Christina Morales

April Holton

April Holton

Nicole Zillmer

Nicole Zillmer